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During our next business meeting, we will be electing the members of the Governing Board. Those brothers who are members of our congregation have the right to submit names so that they can be considered as possible members of the Governing Board. Remember that before you submit the name of a person, you must speak with the person, and receive the authorization of that person for you to submit the name to the Committee of Presentations.
The Committee of Presentations, composed of 4 brothers, plus the Senior Pastor, will be responsible for evaluating all the candidates and presenting at the election meeting, only those that they understand should be members of the Governing Board. These persons will be presented for ratification by the members present. The members of the Committee of Presentations are: Cristina Baez, Gabriela Porcaro, Carlos Barrera and Miguel Choto.
At this meeting, the Senior Pastor will also be presenting the names of 5 members of the congregation, for the position of Elders, so that they can be ratified by the membership.